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Achieving a Quality of Life: Longevity and sense of Well‑Being

Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Achieving a quality of life, longevity and a sense of well-being is actually easier than swimming through crocodile infested waters. It all boils down to correcting a foundational issue: your DNA. Contrary to what the medical establishment has let us believe, your DNA is NOT fixed in granite but can be repaired.

Your DNA is the master tuning fork of the body. As Dr. Fritz-Alber Popp discovered in the 1970s, the DNA gives off biophotons, small packets of light, to communicate within and between all the cells of your body. The DNA functions like the conductor of an orchestra. If the guidance is coherent, the orchestra sound great; if the conductor is out of synch, then the orchestra sounds horrible. Your body is no different. What disrupts the DNA is all the toxins, psychological distress, processed foods, chemtrails, glyphosate, electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), low oxygen levels, and adulterated oils that we all consume and are exposed to on a daily basis. These xenobiotics or environmental toxins cause the biophotons to become incoherent sending out faulty messages to all the cells creating chaos and ultimately dysfunction, degeneration, illness, and death.

In my recently published book, Remove the “Splinters” and Watch the Body Heal, I describe how to define the “splinters” or initiators and restore homeostasis or normalcy to DNA function. Dr. Popp’s discovery provides the mechanism of how it works. By defining the root causes of the body’s dysfunction and removing the culprits with food based supplements and energetic therapy modalities, the body can be restored to factory default. One key factor in this healing equation is the neutralization of the EMFs.

According to the United Nations' Outer Space Objects Index, there are approximately 7,500 satellites circling our earth. This represents a major distortion of the energetic field that surrounds us. Since we cannot eliminate this distortion, the next best thing we can do is protect ourselves from this EMF plasma field that we are emersed in. The Tesla Energy corporation has developed a special Tesla Energy Card® to counteract the the EMFs. It has special proprietary frequencies to neutralize the harmful vibrations. By simply wearing the card, it helps restore a healthy energy field to maintain balance. Remember Nikola Tesla’s great quotation, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

For more information click: TeslaEnergy-Tec.com A subsidiary of the International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. established in 1981 by its founder Dr. Gerald H. Smith.

International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. • www.icnr.com • 303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047.