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What’s the Connection between Allergies, Hypothyroidism and Nutritional Deficiencies?

by Dr. Gerald H. Smith

The connection between allergies, hypothyroidism and nutritional deficiencies is a suppressed immune system. Allergies are not a disease but a reaction to a weak functioning immune system. Hypothyroidism can be caused by many factors: nutritional deficiencies, trapped substances within the thyroid such as heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, chemicals like glyphosate (the herbicide Round-Up), vaccines and their adjuvants, EMFs, prescription medications, toxins from root canal teeth, toxins from infections within the teeth and jawbones, and other factors. Nutritional deficiencies amongst the population is at an all time high. Processed, adulterated foods, microwave and normal cooking devitalize the nutritional value of an already pour quality food, which was grown on nutrient deficient soils. When someone develops allergies, it is indicative of a breakdown of the immune system due in part to an underachieve thyroid and nutritional deficiencies. You can learn more about these issues by reading my recently published book, Remove the “Splinters” and Watch the Body Heal available on Amazon.

A case in point. One of my patients presented with several allergies one of which was to cats. An evaluation of the patient diagnosed vitamin D3 deficiency, lack of minerals, underactive thyroid, consumption of distilled water, and a thyroid prescription that was not working. When the patient switched to spring water (which has minerals and doesn’t leach out minerals), ingesting Pure Synergy (organic greens and minerals), taking vitamin D3, and switching to a more active thyroid support, he reported back that he never felt this good since he was a teenager. Interestingly, his allergy to cats disappeared.

When you put low octane fuel in your gas tank, your car pings. When you put low octane food in your body it also pings it is called allergies, low energy, and not feeling well. The takeaway is there are no magic bullets. A good practitioner must examine the patient globally and diagnose the root cause(s) of the patient’s chief complaints. Throwing nutritional darts is a hit and miss approach reflective of an allopathic mentality. One must always direct their attention to the condition of the body’s terrain: organs and tissues of the body. Unfortunately, blood test will not give you the answers.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith, IMD Integrative Medical Doctor
303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047