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A Major Missing Link to Restoring Health and Longevity

Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Have you ever met some body at a party and you experienced bad vibes from that person? Interestingly, your aura, which is an extension of your autonomic nervous system is the basis of your intuition. Your energy field literally picks up frequencies from other people and your surrounding environment. Subconsciously, you are interpreting someone whose body is out of sync. Those bad vibrations potentially could be the result of negative thoughts, diet of processed foods, prescription drugs or recreational drugs taken by the individual, ill health, person being too acidic, exposure to 5G and other EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies), heavy metals and toxicity from any number of substances. How are all these issues related to the missing link to restoring health and longevity?

It’s simple. When someone is giving off bad vibrations, it is a reflection of their DNA that is corrupted. According to the theoretical physicist, Fritz-Albert Popp’s research back in 1976, your DNA is the master tuning fork of your body. When your DNA is intact, it vibrates at a healthy frequency, which communicates the balanced frequencies to the rest of the cells in your body. It’s like a well coordinated orchestra; if the conductor, your DNA, is disoriented, the combined sounds of the musicians is off. Your body is no different. Instead of irritating sounds, your body exhibits arthritis, migraine headaches, cataracts, high blood pressure and so on. The key to restoring homeostasis to your DNA is detoxing any and all xenobiotics or foreign toxins, eliminating or reducing your exposure to EMFs, and consuming as much as possible organic foods and food based supplements. This advice holds true in a perfect world. But as we all know this is not reality. With over 7500 satellites circling our earth, daily exposure to cell towers, computers, and cell phones, chemtrails, glyphosate (herbicide Round-Up) in our rain water, and a myriad of other toxic substances, we are left with two choices: move to Wyoming and live in a cave or wear a Tesla Energy Card® to keep our DNA’s vibrations in harmony. Dr. Smith’s development of the Tesla Energy Card® is a unique innovation in which he combined specific frequencies to keep the DNA in balance, which is a major missing link to restoring health and longevity. You can consume all the best supplements and eat the best foods but you must also keep your DNA tuned like a Ferrari. The Quality of Life Tesla Energy Card® is a credit card device that has a magnetic strip in which the proprietary frequencies are imprinted. By simply wearing the card or imprinting its frequencies onto spring water one can help keep your DNA tuned. Energy medicine is the new frontier in healing and the innovative technology of the Tesla Energy Card® represent one modality in this healing equation. The Quality of Life Tesla Energy Card® is available at www.TeslaEnergy-Tec.com. Just $29.97 (shipping and handling included).

International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. • www.icnr.com • 303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047.