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If You Take Zinc You Won’t Stink

Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Underarm deodorant advertisers cleverly use the Hegelian dialectic approach of Problem, Reaction, Solution to promote their lotions and potions. The Problem: body odor; Reaction: it’s embarrassing to be around people; Solution: I must buy a good underarm deodorant. The missing part of this equation that most people do not factor in is price. Yes price. A recent Internet search found a typical underarm deodorant product, Degree Antiperspirant Advanced Formula Deodorant Shower 36 72-Hour Sweat & Odor Protection. The container reveals its net weight at .5 ounce at a modest cost of $1.95/ounce. My elementary education taught me that a gallon has 128 ounces and if you multiply $1.95 per ounce cost you will get a total cost per gallon of $250. I haven’t priced cocaine on the street recently but I assume it’s cheaper than deodorant. What’s the real solution? Zinc and it’s a whole lot more effective than putting perfume on garbage.

How does zinc work? It’s simple. Your body sweats and in the sweat are foul smelling short-chain organic fatty acids, which are broken down by the natural bacteria on your skin. Zinc had antibacterial properties, which neutralizes your body odor. Some people advocate applying zinc oxide to your armpits. A bit messy. My solution is to take zinc in the orotate form, because that’s the form mother’s milk produces it and it is easily absorbed. You can eat more foods that contain zinc (oysters [richest source], red meats, poultry, cheese [ricotta, Swiss, gouda], shrimp, crab, sardines and other shellfish.) or take 120 milligrams of zinc orotate daily. The key is that zinc is not stored in the body and has to be taken daily. Also of importance is to take it with protein to increase absorption. One precaution is not to take any supplements containing 25 mg of elemental iron or more at the same time as taking the zinc supplements. The iron reduces zinc’s absorption. Another side benefit of taking zinc (must be taken with quercetin or IverMectin) is its ability to kill the SARS 2 “COVID” virus. Who would ever think you don’t need the vaccine if you take zinc.

The take-away message is that you won’t stink if you take zinc because it attacks the root cause of the problem instead of masking the odor.

International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. • www.icnr.com
303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047.