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Is Hypoglycemia really a B-Complex Deficiency? You Be the Judge.

by Dr. Gerald H. Smith

If your doctor tells you that U.S. citizens are the best feed on earth, that B-complex deficiencies can’t exist, and that the human body can’t tell the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins, it’s time to fire the idiot. These myths are nothing more than propaganda spewed out from the mouths of the babbling idiots of the medical establishment.

If you suffer from a cluster of symptoms below, the chances are great that you have a B-complex deficiency. Not a deficiency of synthetic B vitamins.

weakness and fatigueforgetfulness
irregular pulsedifficulty in orderly thinking
exhaustionvague fears
indigestionparanoid reactions, along with
muscle sorenessheadaches , insomnia, and dizziness
vomiting or diarrheasoreness over most of the body
lack of muscle coordinationdepression
decreased sensations of touchnumbness and tingling of the hands and feet
anxiety statesloss of appetite
mental confusionlethargy
heart palpitationshypochondria
heart murmurnoise sensitivity
enlarged hearthearing voices
altered electrocardiogram tracingsconstant feeling of “something dreadful is about to happen

True hypoglycemia involves having three requisites (Whipple’s Triad):

  1. An immediate blood sugar level below 50mg per 100ml while experiencing the most serious symptoms.
  2. Having the majority of the major symptoms of hypoglycemia which are:
Excess perspirationNausea to vomiting
Hunger pangsTachycardia (rapid heart beat)
Subnormal temperatureConvulsions to coma

Most all persons diagnosed as hypoglycemic in reality are suffering from B-Complex Syndrome. Unfortunately, those who have been labeled hypoglycemic love their diagnosis and become indignant when told they do not have hypoglycemia.The underlying cause for all these B-complex deficiencies is devitalization of our food, synthetic enrichment, and proliferation of pseudo-nutritionists. As Mark Twain always said, “No amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith, IMD Integrative Medical Doctor
303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047
(800) 272.2323