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Is my Dentist a Dental Terrorist?

by Dr. Gerald H. Smith

My definition of a dental terrorist is any dental practitioner who performs routine or specialty services that cause disruption of normal bodily function. This phenomenon is worldwide and not just in the U.S. Unfortunately, the majority of dentists who create these dysfunctions are not even aware that they are the perpetrators. Why is this? It is because of the dentists' ignorance of the direct interrelationship between the dental structures (teeth, chewing muscles, and the occlusion or bite) and the patient's nervous system, muscle interlinks throughout the body, the 28 skull bones, spine, pelvis and endocrine organs (thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, pituitary, etc.). The best way to illustrate these dentally induced terrorist acts is to provide specific examples.

Invisalign: Tara underwent two separate Invisalign treatments by two separate dentists. As a direct result of these dental terrorists twisting her skull bones, Tara was left with constant upper right neck and shoulder pain. Pretreatment involved use of the ALF (Advanced Lightwire Functional) appliances to remove the twist pattern from her cranium. Follow-up treatment involved conventional braces to align the teeth. The end result was that Tara is now totally pain free. What was the difference in treatment methods? I used my cranial indicators to guide the adjustments of the ALF appliances and the forces placed by the fixed orthodontic braces.

Editor's note: There is a class action lawsuit in Seoul Korea by over 600 patients against a dental clinic who used Invisalign type treatment, which left these patients with bad bites and chronic pain symptoms. This is an example of international dental terrorism.

Crown and Bridge: A patient was referred to me for examination and treatment of Trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that causes intense pain similar to an electric shock on one side of the face. Pam suffered severe pain for over a year and a half despite numerous visits to neurologists, oral surgeons, and dentists. Pam's chronic pain was induced by a dental terrorist who "restored" her posterior teeth with crowns and torqued her skull bones. Treatment involved a comprehensive cranial adjustment to reset the balance of the patient's cranial bones. At the completion of treatment, the patient was 100% out of pain and has remained pain free since the initial treatment. Why did this occur? Because the dentist did not use cranial indicators to guide the restoration of the patient's bite. Most dentists think they are working on a manikin and can do major alterations of the bite without monitoring cranial bone alignment. As Mark Twain once said, "It Ain't What You Don't Know That Gets You Into Trouble. It's What You Know for Sure That Just Ain't So."

Conventional Braces: Ian, a 29-year-old male, flew in from Manchester England because he was suffering for the past 10 years from chronic headaches, neck and low back pain, chronic fatigue, and loss of athletic abilities. Ian was retreated by another orthodontist with no results. I was the third orthodontist to consult on his case. Ian's problems started when his teeth were "straightened" by an orthodontist who had a masters degree in orthodontics. Unbeknownst to the original orthodontist, he twisted Ian's maxilla (upper "jaw") counterclockwise, which twisted his spine and pelvis and stressed out his thyroid and adrenal glands. Treatment involved use of the ALF appliances to unravel the twisted maxilla. In three days he was 85% out of pain. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment took 2.5 years plus nutritional support to totally resolve all his symptoms. Interestingly, once his twisted maxilla was resolved his athletic abilities returned. What was the difference in treatment methods? The cranial indicators were used to guide correction of the misaligned cranial bones, spine and pelvis. This is another example of international dental terrorism.

Routine Fillings: Another dental terrorist placed two occlusal fillings (biting surfaces of the teeth) in the lower left first and second molar teeth of a chiropractor. Following this procedure, the chiropractor's sacroiliac (SI joint) became unstable requiring 5 and 6 adjustments a day. I was the tenth dentist to consult on the case. The improperly placed fillings torqued or twisted Temporal bones and pelvic bones resulting in an unstable sacroiliac joint. By expanding his maxilla with an ALF appliance to resolve the twisted temporal bones (temporal bones and pelvic bones work together - Lovette Brother Relationship) and judiciously adjusting the two fillings to balance the cranial bones, Dan's SI joint stabilized and he became totally pain free.

Toxic Root Canal Teeth: Duncan had a lower left second molar tooth treated with a root canal procedure. A root canal treated tooth becomes a dead tooth. Dead teeth create inflammation, which in turn attracts viruses and other pathogens to clean up the dead and dying debris. Since very few professionals can connect the dots, Duncan suffered 15 years of vertigo as a result of a cytomegalovirus infection in the root canal treated tooth; the infection migrated into his left middle ear causing the vertigo. Examination by John's Hopkins, Hershey Medical, and numerous neurologist over 15 years never diagnosed the infection in the tooth as the cause. Two and half months of frequency treatment totally resolved Duncan's 15 years of suffering vertigo. There are over 29 million root canal treatments performed every year in the U.S. How many of these patients are suffering similar or other symptoms as a result of dental terrorist acts?

I could fill several volumes with other dental terrorist acts that have resulted in chronic migraines, Raynaud's Disease, Chronic fatigue, bipolar disorder, cancer, Rheumatoid arthritis, Polycythemia vera, hypothyroidism, atypical facial pain, and much more that were the direct result of routine American Dental Association approved procedures. What the dental profession does not realize is that dentists are responsible for many medical maladies and deaths and they do not even get the credit. For additional acts of dental terrorism, go to www.icnr.com and click case studies on the top menu.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith, IMD Integrative Medical Doctor
303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047
(800) 272.2323

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