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Reversing Post-Concussion Symptoms: New electronic technology coupled with recent breakthroughs in clinical research has resulted in major reversal of chronic post-concussion symptoms.

Authors: Gerald H. Smith, DDS, IMD; Joe Colombo, P.hD., MD

Repeated head trauma and concussions incurred by professional athletes present a major problem for both professional teams and athlete careers. Post-concussion disabilities means loss of team cohesiveness and more importantly loss of post career quality of life. A non.invasive FDA approved electronic diagnostic and treatment device has been integrated withadvanced manipulation techniques plus food based nutritional support, to help heal the brainand monitor its progress. This combined innovative technology will dramatically change thepost-concussion dynamics of future post-concussion treatment.

This new paradigm views concussion from two perspectives. First, physiologically and secondstructurally. Physiologically the brain undergoes physical trauma which can result in bleeding,swelling, and neurological damage to the brain cells due to a build up of toxic metabolic wasteproducts and diminished blood and cerebrospinal fluids. Second and unknown to most medicalpractitioners is the major disturbance that occurs in the motion of the base of the skull withbreathing. Simplistically, the base of the skull (formed by the junction of the occipital andsphenoid bones) moves upward during inhalation and downward with exhalation. When a concussion occurs, this process gets reversed and places excess tension on the entire duraltube. The tube is like a sausage casing which surrounds the brain, exits through the base of theskull, attaches tenaciously to the upper three cervical vertebrae and extends all the way down tothe sacrum. A trauma-induced reversal of this motion is one of the underlying causes for thecommon symptoms associated with concussion:

  1. Headache: Excess tension on the intracranial dural membranes elicits headache because the dura is innervated with sensory nerves from the three branches of the fifth cranial nerve,(trigeminal nerve) and cervical nerves 2 and 3 in the upper cervical area.
  2. Decreased Cognitive Function: Disruption of the basic motion of the skull disturbs thecerebrospinal fluid flow around the brain. The induced trauma also creates intracranial swelling. This also contributes to brain and cognitive dysfunction by decreasing the level ofoxygen, of nutrients available to brain cells, and increase in the accumulation of metabolic toxins. The latter can affect the neuronal pathways causing all types of bodily dysfunctions.
  3. Lack of Coordination: Brain swelling and disturbance of cranial motion have the potentialfor directly affecting the cerebellum, which is the part of the brain responsible for musclecoordination. In addition, dysfunction of the upper four cervical vertebrae contributes todisequilibrium, vertigo, and balance problems.
  4. Pupil Dilation: Any form of trauma, specially a concussion, results in the sympathetic part ofthe autonomic nervous system's becoming dominant. Sympathetic stimulation causes the pupils to dilate.
  5. Nausea: The cranium represents the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. When stimulated it will release bile and digestive fluids, which will cause theconcussion patient to become nauseous.
  6. Blurred Vision: Dilation of pupils dramatically reduces depth of focus. It is similar to acamera lens. The larger the opening, the less depth of field or range of sharpness is presentin the photo.
  7. Bruising: Trauma causes the small blood vessels to break. The extravasated blood in the surrounding tissue causes the black and blue appearance or bruising to appear.
  8. Emotional Outbursts: Trauma causes overstimulation of the adrenal glands and productionof adrenaline, which in turn causes a lowering of the blood sugar levels, and this is accompanied by symptoms of agitation, irritability, and emotional instability. The brain is the most sensitive organ in the body to low levels of sugar. In addition, trauma affects thyroidfunction, which in turn can result in depression and exaggerated emotional swings.
  9. Slurred Speech: The speech center of the brain is located in the left temporal lobe (areaabove the ear). Head trauma invariably causes temporal bone distortion and reduced bloodand cerebrospinal fluid flow to the Broca speech center.
  10. Disrupted Sleep Patterns: Like all other forms of trauma, concussion will cause theadrenal glands to become overstimulated. Increased production of adrenaline andnorepinephrine will prevent the concussion victim from maintaining a restful sleep pattern.

The above symptoms associated with post-concussion syndrome can be caused by cranialbone distortions and can easily be corrected with gentle cranial bone manipulation. Such procedures are non-invasive and easily performed in a practitioner's office. The results are often dramatic and instantaneous. The following case studies demonstrate the efficacy of cranial manipulation:

Case Study #1: Three whiplash injuries and two concussions

Danielle had suffered severe migraine headaches for the last 20 years. Also, alcohol triggeredher migraines. Danielle had a medical history of three whiplash injuries resulting from automobile accidents and two concussions from falls as a child. Danielle was prescribed many drugs for pain, which only brought temporary relief.

Evaluation revealed several major cranial bone distortions, which were never diagnosed, andseveral factors involving heavy metal contamination and nutritional deficiencies. In December of2014, the patient received treatment consisting of a cranial adjustment, a nutritional program torestore existing imbalances, and detoxification to remove existing contaminants. Her 20 years ofmigraine headaches were totally eliminated in one adjustment and she has had no migraineheadaches since December 2014.

In addition, after six weeks on nutritional supplements to detox her liver, the alcohol trigger totally resolved. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has no knowledge of this advanced technology.

Case Study #2: Whiplash injury 1 and a half years post-whiplash pain resolved in one treatment

Ron Goldberg was in a car accident in 2008. For 18 months he suffered pain down the left side of his body plus distortion of vision. Ron tried many different forms of therapy includingacupuncture and chiropractic and physical therapy—all of which did not address the underlying cause of his problems. Ron's cranial motion was traumatized which resulted in an asynchronous motion of his skull bones. Tightening of the dural membrane tensioned the spinal nerves downthe entire length of his spine. Applied therapies failed to resolve the tension, and his pain persisted. Treatment involved cranial manipulation, which resynchronized his skull motion withhis normal breathing pattern back to factory default. Immediately following correction, Ron's 18 months of pain totally disappeared; additionally, his vision improved dramatically.

Every structure must have a stable foundation. The human body is no different. One key areathat is overlooked by 99.9% of practitioners is the functional motion of the human skull. There is a natural rhythm which governs its motion. A traumatic accident such as a whiplash or headtrauma injury often disrupts this rhythm. When this occurs, tension is dramatically increasedalong the entire dural membrane system that extends from around the brain, through the baseof the skull, attaches to the upper three cervical vertebrae and then travels down to its finalattachment at the sacrum. This is why it is referred to as the cranial sacral system. When theneck muscles get injured from micro-trauma from a motor vehicle or concussion, the duralmembrane tension directly affects the entire nervous system. Often patients exhibit painpatterns down one half of the body that do not respond to conventional therapies. The reason is simple. The underlying cause is not being corrected.

Case Study #3: Post-whiplash sequelae of 8 months resolved in one treatment

Doctor Tey was hospitalized for post-whiplash sequelae involving pain, burning and numbness from cervical vertebrae 2 to 7 and down her left arm. MRIs, CT scans, physical therapy, andchiropractic treatment were unable to resolve Dr. Tey's symptoms for 8 months. The hospital physicians gave a diagnosis of possible stroke. After evaluating the patient's cranium, a diagnosis was made of torsions and asynchronous motion. A final treatment involved a cranial adjustment to remove the cranial dural membrane tension and correct the asynchronous motion. Immediately following the adjustment, the patient's burning, pain, and numbness totally disappeared and she was able to sleep without taking medication.

Case Study #4: Three concussions due to gymnastic accidents

A 15-year-old female gymnast was brought to my office for evaluation and treatment of threeconcussion injuries suffered as a result of gymnastic accidents. The patient had been examinedand treated by top neurologists and other medical specialists with no conclusive results. Her symptoms of headaches, mental fog, cervical pain, fatigue, poor concentration and memory were present for two years since her last concussion.

A cranial examination revealed a full reverse of her cranial motion accompanied by other cranialbone distortions. A comprehensive cranial adjustment was performed in one hour. Immediately following the adjustment, all the patient's symptoms completely disappeared. The patient also gained a half inch in height following the cranial releases.

Case Study #5: Twenty-four years of pain, paresthesia, and malocclusion resolved in onehour

In 1993, Judith Hagan underwent a surgical procedure to remove a cholesteatoma (benign bonetumor) from her right ear. The surgery was a success; however, it left Judith with facial pain,paresthesia, and the inability to close her teeth comfortably. Judith literally went around with her teeth apart because they would not articulate. As a nurse practitioner, Judith sought out every imaginable form of diagnostic test and therapy to resolve her problem. MRIs, CT scans,consults with numerous neurologists, chiropractors, and pain specialists brought no resolution. Acupuncture did result in reduction of the paresthesia, but nothing relieved the pain or correctedthe malocclusion.

I recently lectured at a major seminar. Following my presentation, Judith came over and asked ifI could help her with her chronic pain issue. From what she described and after a cursory,hands-on evaluation, I stated that I thought her problem stemmed from cranial distortions created by the surgery. Four days after the seminar Judith came in as a patient. I reviewed her medical history and then proceeded to evaluate her cranial alignment. I then performed a complete cranial adjustment. In addition to her cranial distortions, she had a subluxation(misalignment) in two major joints. Using very gentle cranial manipulation I corrected her skulland the two misaligned joints. I spent an hour performing the procedure. Judith immediately broke out in tears because her pain of 24 years totally disappeared.

Unfortunately, Judith's problem is more common than one would believe. The knowledge andskills to comprehend these type of distortions are above the pay grade of most healthcarepractitioners. To make matters worse, most conventional medical doctors dismiss the fact thatcranial bones move despite the fact that the medical literature scientifically documents it.

Case Study #6: Six years of post-whiplash injuries resolved in one.half hour

Doctor Tran was in a severe motor vehicle accident 20 years ago. She was unbelted in the vehicle and incurred multiple traumas from a table that was being transported. Six years ago Dr.Tran developed constant numbness down her left arm accompanied by tingling. She also developed a painful trigger point in her left trapezius muscle in her rear shoulder area. Because of the pain she was unable to sleep through the night or sleep on her left side. In addition, Doctor Tran suffered stomach pains and heart burn-like symptoms that would also awaken her.

Medically, Dr. Tran underwent CT scans to assess brain injuries, but nothing showed up. She also underwent osteopathic evaluation and treatment with no lasting results. Traditionalmedicine ran a full gamut of tests and had nothing else to offer with the exception of drugmanagement for the pain, which she refused.

While attending Dr. Smith's January 2017 seminar in Toronto, Dr. Tran was evaluated for cranial distortions. Specific trauma-induced cranial lesions were found. Doctor Smith provided a fullcranial adjustment which resulted in an immediate disappearance of all her symptoms. Eventhough cranial manipulation was developed in the 1930s, the majority of health carepractitioners are unaware of the far reaching positive effects this non-invasive therapy has tooffer.


he brain swelling that accompanies concussion can effectively be dealt with using natural food-based supplements along with a pharmaceutical grade systemic enzyme. Other natural remedies are effective anti-inflammatory substances, which can also boost cognitive brainfunction and memory and help reduce the build up of the amyloid plaque in the brain oftenassociated with Alzheimer's and other degenerative brain diseases. Specific homeopathic remedies are effective for pain, swelling, and bruising associated with trauma. There are many more natural remedies that are incorporated in treatment which aid in the regeneration andrepair of brain tissue. Depending on the extent of brain damage treatment time can range from nine to eighteen months. Every case must be evaluated and treated on an individual basis.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith, IMD Integrative Medical Doctor
303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047
(800) 272.2323