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Medical “Cures” That Create New Diseases

by Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Better living through chemistry is not always the best way to go. The reason is obvious. A long standing patient of mine was recently prescribed Amiodarone for heart arrhythmias. Shortly there after he became weak and needed to be tethered to an oxygen tank. He was so weak that he could not even pick up a gallon of water. Interestingly, when I tested Bob energetically the Amiodarone was trapped in his thyroid gland. Conventional doctors are not even aware of this potential side effect that can suppress thyroid function.

Counteracting the suppressive effect of the Amiodarone involved making an invert of the frequency of the original drug. The invert will completely neutralize the effect of the medication. Also of interest is the fact that arrhythmias can be caused by intestinal toxemia, a deficiency of B-complex vitamins, heavy metals trapped in the heart, electrolyte imbalances in your blood, structural abnormalities of the heart, infection, abnormal electrical pathways, certain substances or medications, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, inhaled aerosols, diet pills, and cough and cold remedies. Just treating the symptoms is tantamount to painting on rust. It may look better for a while, but ultimately the rust will resurface. The key to good medicine is to decipher the root cause and correct it.

The medical establishment is notorious for just treating the patient’s symptoms. Years ago I had a patient from Nova Scotia who had tachycardia, 160 beats a minutes. The underlying cause was mercury that leaked out from a large mercury filling in one of the patient’s molar teeth. Once the mercury was removed and detoxed, her rapid heart beat totally resolved.

Unfortunately, patients today must do their own due diligence and research any medication the doctor wants to put you on. A good reference source for drug side effects is your pharmacist and/or googling the internet for answers. In addition to seeking out the side effects, one must look for alternative solutions. There are many natural remedies that are safer. As an example, magnesium will quiet down the sympathetic part of the nervous system. Other nutrients like B2 (riboflavin, B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxin), betaine, choline, inositol, folic acid, para-amino Benzoic acid, potassium and zinc will also quiet down the sympathetics.

The take-away-message is that most consistently reported predictors of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized older patients were medication-related factors, including polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications. Don’t be the next victim.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith, IMD Integrative Medical Doctor
303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047
(800) 272.2323