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Synthetic Chemicals
We are Killing Our Pets Just like We are Killing Ourselves

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith, IMD

I have two lovely Maine Coon cats. I feed them all raw foods. Triple filter their water and periodically I would give them treats. Out of the clear blue my female cat started have accidents. Playing Sherlock Holmes, I finally connected the dots. My house keeper bought my cats Friskies Party Treats. My cat’s accidents coincided with the treats. Being a concerned pet owner, I read the ingredients. Guess what. The same synthetic chemicals the food industry is feeding us are being given to our pets. The following rear panel says it all.

Calcium carbonate: it’s limestone which will cause kidney stones. Sunflower oil: this adulterated omega 6 oil is pro inflammatory and will transform the cat’s cell membranes into plastic.

Most if not all of the vitamins are synthetic. The minerals are all ground up rocks: zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate (will constipate your animal), manganese sulfate, and cooper sulfate.

One of the other treats, Mixed Grille, had a few more potentially toxic ingredients:

The European Union (EU) deemed six Artificial Food Colorings unsafe for kids

Now you know why your pets are coming down with cancers, diabetes, respiratory diseases, arthritis, neurological dysfunction and much more. The takeaway message is please read the label on all your pet foods and if you want to live to a ripe old age read the labels on your food.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith, IMD Integrative Medical Doctor
303 Corporate Drive East • Langhorne, PA 19047
(800) 272.2323