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The 10 Year Cat Experiment

An Energy Medicine Short Summary

Did you know that there is a missing link on how to cure cancer and many Medical Illnesses that conventional medicine has no answers for?

What applies to humans also applies to your pets. The underlying problem in America is that we are all being fed dead processed, chemicalized food. In 1946, an interesting ten year experiment was initiated by a medical doctor, Dr. Francis Pottenger. He took 900 cats and divided them into two groups. One group was fed pasteurized milk and cooked protein. The second group was fed raw milk and raw protein. The results of the 10 year study showed that the cats fed the cooked foods had similar illnesses that humans experienced: arthritis, organ failures, lack of energy, dental problems and the frightening part was that there were no third generation of cats fed the cooked protein. These cats were all sterile. All the cats fed raw food displayed three generations of healthy offspring. Of interest, we humans are actually in the third generation of the cat experiment. A new study from the Pentagon shows that 77% of young Americans would not qualify for military service without a waiver due to being overweight, using drugs or having mental and physical health problems. The common denominator of all degenerative illnesses is hypoxia or low oxygen.

One way to quickly address this issue is to use the New Tesla Energy Card® that is designed to infuse the body of humans and pets with vibrational frequencies of oxygen. By means of sophisticated electronic equipment, the frequency of 6% food grade hydrogen peroxide was captured and then imprinted into the innovative Tesla Energy Card®. By wearing the card for just three hours or infusing the frequencies into three 8 ounce glasses of spring water, you can stimulate the body to improve normal function. The frequencies of the oxygen molecules will help neutralize the frequencies of heavy metals, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, fungi and other toxins. This technology is like a “magic bullet.” This technology is affordable, effective, and easy to use.

This innovative technology is now available on TeslaEnergy-Tec.com

Copyright © 2025, Dr. Gerald H. Smith, DDS, IMD • 800-272-2323