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Healthcare System Illusion

An Energy Medicine Short Summary

Did you know that the US spends approximately $12,000 per person on healthcare and we rank ninth in health outcomes among the top nine industrialized countries?

Our healthcare system is like Don Quixote fighting the illusive windmills. Even if the US spends a trillion dollars per person our ranking will not change. Why? Because the paradigm is faulty. The problem is the medical industry was hijacked in 1910 by John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie at a cost of 100 million dollars. These “medical entrepreneurs” seized the opportunity to capture a huge new market, which they could control.

Since Rockefeller owned many oils wells and pharmaceutical companies, he saw the opportunity to reap millions of dollars from the sale of pharmaceutical drugs, which are made from petroleum. Not only is the treatment modalities invasive, the medical model physicians use is to treat the symptoms only mask the symptoms with drugs, cut them out, irradiate them until they kill the patient.

Since the COVID fiasco, people are starting to wake up to the slaughter that has been inflicted upon us. The health insurance company’s own statistics reveal a 40% increase in the mortality rate during the “mandatory” COVID shot mandate. People are also starting to wake up to the more noninvasive approaches to resolving the flu. Hydroxychloroquine, IverMectin, zinc, glutathione, vitamin C, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), vitamin D3, and other natural remedies have shown to be more effective in combating the flu than the“COVID vaccine.”

This medical fiasco has not only awakened people to alternative remedies but also spawned much needed innovative technology. One such medical breakthrough is the Frequency Shop. Out of the ashes of rising inflation, remedy shortages and reduced availability, came a viable solution, the Frequency Shop. Since necessity is the mother of invention, the International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. developed an electronic means of capturing the energy patterns of key remedies as well as many other important antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, homeopathics, and anti-inflammatories and more. In addition, this innovative technology has been integrated into an ingenious delivery system. The FrequencyShop.Co enables anyone, anywhere, and at anytime to access these healing frequencies from their smartphone, iPad, laptop, and desktop computer. Through an affordable subscription plan, one can now imprint the healing frequencies through the above mentioned electron devices into spring water. By drinking the water the healing frequencies instantaneously disseminate throughout the body. For more information regarding this incredible discovery click the link: FrequencyShop.co.

Copyright © 2025, Dr. Gerald H. Smith, DDS, IMD • 800-272-2323