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Migraine Headaches
An Energy Medicine Short Summary
Did you know that migraine headaches can have a psychosomatic basis?
That’s right. Years ago I had a patient who had migraine headaches. I treated her for a year and a half with no results. Three years later after she left the practice I received a call from the patient. The patient asked me if I remembered her. Then she proceeded to tell me that her migraines were gone. I asked her what was done to relieve her migraines. She told me nothing. I asked what happened. She told me that her husband died and her migraines disappeared immediately. This is absolutely a true story.
In reality, migraine headaches can be caused by at lease 350 different reasons. One cause is a sleeper. I had an 18 year old who had headaches since she was 13 year old. Interestingly, she state that her migraines appeared whenever she ate sweets. One week after I placed the patient on food based B-complex vitamins her migraines disappeared.
Another interesting case was a patient who had migraines for 25 years. One month after I removed all his mercury fillings and detoxed him his 25 years of migraines disappeared.
A malocclusion or bad bite could also be the cause for migraines. A female patient who had migraine headaches for 12 years had her migraines disappear after I built up her bite. Loss of vertical support will cause torquing or twisting of the intra-cranial membranes within the skull causing pain.
Post-concussion patients also have a subtle structural issue that is not diagnosed by most medical doctors or other healthcare practitioners. Andy suffered severe migraine headaches for over 21 years. He was treated by the Mayo clinic, Johns Hopkins, University of Pennsylvania and many top neurologists with no results. After evaluating his cranium, I diagnosed a subtle reversed motion of the base of his skull. In one hour, after I adjusted his cranial bones, his 21 years and nine months of migraines totally disappeared and never returned.
Another interesting case was a female patient who had 10 years suffering migraines. My evaluation uncovered an underactive thyroid even though all her blood tests showed normal values. Two weeks after her thyroid was supported with supplements, her 10 years of migraines disappeared.
The list of causes for migraine headaches is long. The key is that every patient must be energetically tested to uncover the root cause. Unfortunately, traditional medicine does not have the knowledge or skills to perform a comprehensive evaluation. As a result many chronic headache patients slip through the medical cracks and treated with pain killers.
For more information, please go to icnr.com and click the top menu Case Studies. There are over 200 case studies of patients who had the headaches cured, autoimmune “disease” resolved, cancer cured, and many more medical issues that conventional medicine has no answers for.