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Treating Hypothyroidism

An Energy Medicine Short Summary

Did you know that the FDA shut down the sale of one of the most effective thyroid prescriptions that was on the market? That’s right. The F&DA used some bogus excuse to prevent hypothyroid patients from accessing medication that really worked. Unfortunately, I was one of those hypothyroid patients. Since “necessity is the mother of invention”, I had to find a substitute. My 54 plus years of practicing integrated medicine prepared me to quickly solve the problem. Applying the principles of energy medicine, I was able to replicate the vibrational frequency of Westhroid and imprint it into water and even into a placebo tablet. In reality, it is the frequencies that make a prescription, vitamin, homeopathic remedy work. 

The thyroid gland is one of the key organs that controls the metabolism of every cell in your body. The thyroid is the canary in the coal mine. When the thyroid becomes under functioning, a laundry list of symptoms start surfacing. The most frequent ones are: fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness, mental fog, muscle spasms, poor memory, constipation, dry skin, cold hands and feet, hair falling out, brittle nails, heart palpitations, frequent colds, weight gain, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and apathy. Without proper support, life becomes miserable. In my clinical experience, Westhroid was one of the best solutions; because it was not available, a substitute had to be found.

Utilizing sophisticated electronic equipment from Germany, I was able to replicate the vibrational frequencies of Westhroid. I have successfully used the vibrationally infused frequencies on myself and many patients. The issue now is how do we make it accessible to the many hypothyroid patients seeking help. The inception of the FrequencyShop.co became the answer. By trial and error, a delivery system was perfected to enable anyone, any time and anywhere to log onto the FrequencyShop.co site and access several frequency programs to support the thyroid via their smartphone, iPad, laptop, and desktop computer. By imprinting the frequencies into water and drinking it, one can stimulate their thyroid to function more normally. The frequency programs include Quantum WT (for Westhroid), Thyroid Peptide, Natural Thyroid, and the Hypothyroid program.

Energy medicine is the new frontier in medicine. This innovative technology was designed to be easily accessible, affordable, and help as many people as possible.

Copyright © 2025, Dr. Gerald H. Smith, DDS, IMD • 800-272-2323