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Treating Vertigo
An Energy Medicine Short Summary
Did you know that vertigo could be caused by an infected root canal tooth? Most healthcare practitioners will never connect the dots between the ear and an infected root canal tooth. Why? One of the reasons is that this connection is never taught in the professional schools. Unfortunately, infections do not show up in a tooth unless it is in an advanced stage. Normally, viruses or bacterial infections reside in the microscopic dentinal tubules and are invisible on the x-ray.
Case in point, I had a patient who suffered vertigo for 15 years. He was examined by medical doctors at Johns Hopkins, Hershey Medical, and many top tier neurologists. He was prescribed Antivert, which didn’t work in the 1950s when it was introduced into the market and doesn’t work now. One doctor put the patient on a migraine diet even though he told the doctor that he didn’t have migraines. When I examined the patient using an energetic testing technique, the cytomegalovirus showed up in his middle ear. The same virus was also present in a root canal tooth in his lower left second molar. Since root canal teeth have no blood supple, the only way to eradicate the virus was with Rife technology. The Rife generator produces frequencies which literally explode the virus without damaging any other tissue.
After two months of treatment, the patient stated that he felt a popping in his left ear and he was able to feel air. From that point on, his 15 years episode of vertigo disappeared. Treatment with frequencies can pass through bone, the roots of teeth, and literally through a brick wall. Energy medicine represents the new frontier of medicine.