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Why Homeopathy Works
An Energy Medicine Short Summary
Did you know that the secret why homeopathy works is frequencies?
That’s right. When a substance gets diluted five or more times, there is no actual physical material left. The only thing left is the frequency of the substance. Also of interest is the fact that the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered that like cures like. As an example, if someone has poison ivy, they can quickly resolve the itching and blisters by taking a diluted form of poison ivy. The homeopathic remedy for poison ivy is called Rhus Tox.
The homeopathic concept of frequencies ion healing can be applied in different delivery systems. For example, using sophisticated electronic equipment, one can capture the essence of a substance and imprint it into water. By drinking the water, the frequencies disseminate quickly throughout the body. It is the frequencies that stimulate the cell receptors causing the cells to react. The Tesla Energy Card® is one such delivery system that utilizes frequencies to heal. By wearing the card or imprinting the frequencies into water, the body’s healing mechanism can be activated. A realtime example was a women who suffered COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) who needed an oxygen tank to shop. The physical act of just walking through the isles exhausted her. After several weeks of using a custom designed frequency program imprinted into a Tesla Energy Card® and drinking the imprinted water, the women no longer required the oxygen tank. Her energy dramatically increased and she is now able to function normally.
This concept has also been adapted to provide healing frequencies through the Internet. Using innovative technology, Tesla Energy, LLC has created the website FrequencShop.co. By connecting to the site via one’s smartphone, laptop, iPad, or desktop computer one can subscribe and access numerous healing frequency programs. The Frequency Shop is an ingenious concept that makes healing accessible to anyone, anytime, and anywhere.
For more information regarding the Frequency Shop go to frequency shop.co. For more information regarding the Tesla Energy Card® go to TeslaEnergy-Tec.com/a>. Energy medicine is the new frontier in health. You can now take advantage its benefits.